
Sunday, June 26, 2011


                                We know that 60 seconds equal to 1 minute and 60 minutes equal to 1 hour. Hence the minute section is drived by second section and hour section by the minute section. Each of the minute and second section has been designed to give a count from 00 to 59 after which it resets to 00. and the hour section to give a count from 00 to 11 hours after which it resets to 00. For each cycle of 00 to 59 in second section the minute section increases its count by 1. Similarly for each cycle of 00 to 59 in minute section the hour section increases it’s count by 1. In this way when the clock reaches 11hrs. 59mins. 59secs. each of the section resets to 00 giving us a display 00.00.00  popularly known as the 0th hour.            
                                              *                                                                     *   
                                 Now,  without  wasting  any  time  we  straightaway  move  into  the discussion with our project with emphasis on different sections considering the modules.

Module Structure:

                     The entire project has been divided into four modules. They are as follows:
  •   Second section
  • Using two counter ICs (IC 7490) in such a way that this portion produces output from 00 to 59 continuously with a frequency of 1 z (1pps).
  •   Using Driver IC (IC 7447) and seven-segment  display the counts. Both the ICs are of common anode type.
  •    Checking the output of the circuit.

  •  Minute section
Ø  Repeating the same circuit as that of the second section, but here the output should count from 00 to 59 with a frequency of 1Hz.for 1 ppm.
Ø  Checking the output.  

  • Hour section
Ø   Designing the circuit in such a way so that the output resets to 00 automatically displaying 11.59.59
Ø   Here the counting proceeds with a frequency of one pulse per hour.
Ø  Checking the output. 

Ø  Assembling the three sections together.
Ø Checking the output the final circuit.

 Block Diagram

Basic Concept
                             It is evident from the block diagram that for each of Second and
Minute section we require a Counter for the unit’s place and  ten’s place. For the second and minute sections the situation is identical with the unit’s place counting from 0-9-0 and repeats whereas the ten’s place counts from 0-5-0 and repeats. For the Hour section we require the counter for the unit’s place to count 0-2-0 and for the ten’s place it counts 0-1-0 and repeats. The circuit could have been easily designed with an IC 7476 i.e. a dual J-K Flip-Flop but to maintain parity between the components used we stick to the basics by using IC- 7490 (details mentioned later). 

Components used
                                                 Material                                      Quantity  
                                                    IC 555                                    ----- 1(for all section)
                                                    Ic 7408                                   -----2
                                                    IC 7490 (14 pins)                   -----  6 (2 for each section)
                                                    IC 7447 (16 pins)                   -----  6 (2 for each section)
                                                    7 -segment display                  -----  6(2 for each section)
                                                    Resistances 1kΩ                     -----  7 (all total)
                                                    Resistances 2.2MΩ                ---- -  1
                                                   Capacitor 0.1F+1F     -----  1+1
Component Description
     IC 7490
                                                 The IC 7490 is a 4-bit, ripple-type Decade counter. The device consists

of four master-slave flip-flops internally connected to provide a divide-by-two section and a divide-by-five section. Each section has a separate clock input to initiate state changes of the counter on the High–to-Low clock transition. State changes of the Q outputs do not occur simultaneously because  of internal ripple delays. Therefore decoded output signals are subject to decoding spikes and should not be used for clocks or strobes.

                                      A gated AND asynchronous Master Reset (MR1 – MR2) is provided which overrides both clocks and resets (clears) all the flip-flops. Also provided is a
gated AND asynchronous Master Set (MS1-MS2), which overrides the clock and the
MR inputs , setting the output to nine (HLLH).       
N.B.: In the fig. Master Reset and Master Set have been denoted by R1, R2 & S2, S2  respectively.

IC 7447   & Seven-segment Display


                          Fig:c                                    Fig:d        

According to the Pin configuration
                   LT=Lamp Test  >>After doing every connection between the chip and the segment if  this terminal (LT) is grounded then all segment will glow. In the working mode LT
should always be High.
BI/RBO=Blanking input/Ripple blanking Output >> when this terminal is grounded the display will be blank immediately.
RBI=Ripple Blanking input. When this terminal is grounded and the input code is set
for zero display then the display will be blank immediately and zero will come out independent of LT.
In the IC a, b, c, d, e, f, g are the pins which are connected to the seven-segment
display and the parts which blink for these connections are shown above.   

MODULE Details 

Seconds Section:
                        Since the basic concept regarding the counting of the seconds has been discussed we are now going to design the circuit. Since the count is from 00-59 we would design a MOD-60 counter by cascading a MOD-10/ Decade Counter and a MOD-6 Counter. The IC-7490 is a Decade Counter with two parts (internal structure): MOD-2 and MOD-5 Counter. So we would design the MOD-6 counter basically from a Decade Counter.
                         Using the reset pins as shown in Fig.2a we can design any MOD-K Counter by the internal components --Mod-2 and Mod-5 counters of a particular IC-7490. 
                        A Clock of 1 Hz. Frequency is supplied to the unit’s part of the second’s section at a rate of 1 pulse per  second (1pps). On the other hand the ten’s part is getting anegative-edge trigger which is the clock for the ten’s part. The clock pulse is applied from Q3 .The reason being  it resets after nine represented in binary as:

                                                             Q3    Q2    Q1    Q0 
                                                        9=    1      0      0       1
                     The output of this part is solely responsible for driving the minute section i.e. acting as a clock for the minute section. From the truth table (Table 1.) we see for MR1 &
MR2 both equal to 1 the clock is reset and the output is zero.
  In the ten’s part the count resets to 0 after 5.       
                                                                              Q3    Q2    Q1    Q0 
Representing ‘6’ in binary form we have               6 =0       1      1       0 
 Taking the high inputs Q2 Q1 we apply to the reset pins to solve our purpose.

Circuit Diagram

                                The Circuit that has been exactly designed is shown here.

Minute Section

                             The Minute section is nothing but  an exact replica of the second’s section as the theory and implementation is the same with one major exception i.e. the clock from the second’s section is applied to the unit’s place of the minute’s section at a rate of 1 pulse per minute (1ppm). 

Hour Section

                           For the Hour section we have an  altogether a different circuit design
where the unit’s place counts from 0-9 one and 0-1 once in this sequence. Here the
counting takes place from 00- 11 and resets back to 00. For the unit’s place we use a
Decade counter as done previously. And for the ten’s place we have designed a
MOD-3 counter simply using the MOD-5 counter part of IC-7490. We, now, check
the condition for which the hour section should reset.
                                             Tens             Units
                for                         0                     4  
                or                          1                     0                           the clock is not reset to ‘0’
            But for                      1                     1                            the clock is reset to ‘0’ 

Thus if the two reset pins of the two counters are connected with each other (i.e. MR1
& MR2 ) and MR1  is again connected with Q2 of the unit’s place and MR2 is
connected with Q1 of the ten’s place then the clock is reset after 11 to 00.        
                                                                                          Q3    Q2      Q1    Q0
 Since binary representation of,                                     1=    0       0        0         1
                                                                                   2=    0       0        1         0

Thus Q1 of the ten’s place and Q2 of the unit’s place reset each other. Since
MR1 =Q2 of the unit’s place=1 and MR2 =Q1 of the ten’s place =1. Since both MR1 &
MR2 are high they need to reset the clock to 0 after 11.59.59 to 00.00.00, which is
known as the 0th hour.
For the hour section the clock drives it’s unit’s place from Q2 of the ten’s place of the minute section and the clock pulse is produced at the rate of 1 pulse per hour,i.e.1pph.
In the following page we have the circuit for the hour section with the internal circuitry connections shown. 
Circuit Diagram
Assembling the three sections

                              Now that the circuit designing part is more or less complete the hard
work is over and we assemble the three sections (seconds, minute and hour) to get the 
“Digital Clock”. With the supply connected we operate the clock to check the output.
The clock was found to operate smoothly.


                            The Circuit was  purely  designed with  the  basic  knowledge  on  sequential
circuit designing and with the components  provided by the authority. The Clock is
expected to operate normally with desired accuracy.  


Anonymous said...

Great digital clock structure. Helpful in my college project.

Unknown said...

hey can you send me hour section picture fulll please...!

Unknown said...

After all connections how to perform ...means explain procedure

digital ciock said...

please sent full diagram

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